Thursday, December 11, 2014

I Can't Believe This Shit!

What the fuck is going on? All this shit with the so called torture report Feinstein released. Is this woman fucking nuts? All I think this is going to accomplish is causing more problems for the U. S. I'm already hearing stories the U.N is wanting to have some of our people charged with war crimes.

I'm sure attacks on U.S. troops, embassies, and other personnel and Americans abroad. Radicals will probably use this to recruit jihadists. I cannot believe the mindset of the left. This is going to cause so much damage. It wouldn't surprise me if these so called torture techniques are used in SERE training and then some.

The world seems to be coming apart at the seams. All the shit in the Middle East. Protests all over the fucking world about different shit. Especially here in American protesting over a bunch of bullshit that isn't true and has been proved to be false.

On the other hand, our country is becoming more and more like a police state. The police are getting out of hand with excessive force in some instances. The media and Obama have hijacked and thrown fuel on the fire with rhetoric, misinformation, and in some instances have been race baiting. Not to mention the Sharptons and Jacksons who are nothing but race baiters and poverty pimps.

I just hope things don't get out of hand to the point where race riots breakout and just cause mayhem,

Monday, December 8, 2014

Not Sure

I'm not sure what to blog about today. There is so much bullshit going on between the government and media. Neither one seem to want to get the truth out there. Everybody seems to be spinning the information or, should I say misinformation?

Then you have assholes out there like Al Sharpton who is nothing but a race baiting poverty pimp. He has to keep the racial divides alive because if he didn't he would be out of a job. With the latest events in Ferguson, New York, and Cleveland, this isn't the first time he has incited a bunch of shit.

Jesse Jackson isn't any better. Farrakhan is a complete loon. The liberal mindset makes absolutely no sense to me. All they seem to have to say is inflammatory. Calling everyone racist, sexist, or misogynistic if someone disagrees with what they have to say.

They claim to be all about civil rights but, contradict everything they say they stand for by wanting to shut everyone down that disagrees with them. Free Speech applies if you agree with them and heaven forbid you contest their ideology. It then becomes hate speech. You are only prochoice if you believe in abortion. What about a woman's choice to decide to keep her baby.

My impressions of what a lot of these polices and programs the left clam to be to help minorities, women, or whoever are racist, sexist, misogynist, or whatever. Because these policies and programs indicate that because you are black, a woman, or minority implies there is something wrong or, imply inequality in some form or another that you need help.

I'm all for having people to have the freedom to do whatever they want, unless of course it infringes on other people's civil rights and freedoms. We do have to keep in mind public safety issues and other things to keep a healthy civilization.

A big issue of Garner dying is the tax New York implemented on cigarettes. The argument being that if Garner wasn't selling loosies because a pack of cigarettes weren't so expensive he would have been doing it to make money.  There are a slew of scenarios to go over on that situation. It was ignorant he had to die because he was getting his balls busted for selling cigs.

I am starting to think liberalism is a mental disorder. People expecting the federal government to provide all of these programs and services to people. Everybody seems to be a victim of some sort because of a bad childhood, some kind of addict, a certain race, gender, or sexual preference.

The right isn't much better on a lot of these issues screaming about morals and ethics. They seem to be all about free speech and God given inalienable rights. They turn around and bitch about how homosexuality is a sin and abomination. Bitch about same sex marriage. Who really gives a flying fuck. I think Homosexuals should have the ability to get married and be just as miserable as a lot of who are miserable that are heterosexual. I'd even be willing to take it one step farther and have everyone afforded the same rights living in a particular  household. Say for instance different family members, significant others, siblings, parents. Whoever can provide the best should be able to have these other people on their insurance, get tax breaks, or whatever rights and benefits awarded to "traditional" families. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander.

The welfare system isn't designed to help people, it's designed to entrap people so the government can control. Until that changes people are going to be stuck in the system. Many on welfare are under educated, have no skills, and are lucky if they can manage to get hired at menial work. They get discouraged because they cannot find work that covers the necessities. So they are better off staying on welfare. Many urban areas are diseased with drugs, gangs, and a fucked up mentality of entitlement driven by the liberals who keep feeding the oppression bullshit.

It's just fucked up all the way around. I can understand the frustration many of these people have just from my experience dealing with government agencies. I'm sure many play the system too by having kids out of wedlock, getting housing, food stamps, and cash for each kid. I think most wouldn't live those conditions if they had a way out. Many have felonies or backgrounds that hinder their opportunities to get anywhere.

I can't believe the bullshit with companies hiring people. with the background checks, financial checks. Requiring you to have a job before they hire you. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with liability issues.  Because companies and employers getting sued over bullshit their employees pull. I remember of a story that hit the news where some guy raped a woman while working for a cable company. I guess the one dude I worked for said. The only reason you need an employee handbook for is for the bad employees.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ferguson and all this other horse shit.

I've been reading through the Ferguson Grand Jury Transcripts and I can say from reading these transcripts Mike Brown was only victim to his own ignorant choices he made that day. Dorian Johnson's testimony was not consistent during his testimony it changed quite a bit, and changed after he was asked to clarify things. Or he would have to modify his answers when he contradicted himself.

The Obama administration, mainstream media, politicians, and the usual race baiting poverty pimps of the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson hijacked the entire Ferguson issue and spread misinformation. Even thought the facts have come out and easy to find out online they still get out there and spew their vitriol about this situation. Making it sound like law enforcement has called open season on people of color.

Fucking journalism is in the fucking toilet. The media runs with whatever fucking info they get their hands on. Fail to fact check. Too much opinion is being interjected from the so called journalists. They need to get their shit together, do their homework, quit sensationalizing misinformation, spinning which ever way to incite whatever emotions they want to draw from. They target a certain demographic because people tend to be sheep and believe what they want to believe. Because what they emotionally feel especially surrounding perceived injustices like the ones I'm writing about. Whatever is morally or ethically right may not necessarily be legal or illegal. All three of these incidences fall into that category.

All this rioting in Ferguson has only hurt the entire community. The businesses that were destroyed hurt the entire community Many of these businesses were owned by people of color. Provided jobs and services to the communities. Just a bunch of savages. All these other protests and mayhem isn't really justified either because they were fueled by misinformation and all out lies. Fucking ignorant sheep being taken to slaughter by a few poverty pimps like Sharpton and Jackson.

Mike Brown is not innocent. He struggled with Officer Wilson at and inside of the car apparently for Officer Wilson's weapon. A bullethole on the inside of the drivers door, Brown's DNA on the weapon and on the cruiser. Gunshot residue on his hand that showed his hand was close enough to the weapon. Mike Brown took the situation to an entirely new level. There is no way a police officer is going to, or  are trained to just let anyone walk away from that. Mike Brown was a product of his environment. Came from a broken, living with his grandmother. He was basically a thug. Robbed a convenience store that day. If he would have been compliant he would be alive today.

I'm no expert but, I know enough about firearms and have had enough training and experience shooting. That I could pretty much state accurately Brown was within 30 to 50 feet of officer Wilson. From what I could gather by the angle of the entry wounds, and from the information in the transcripts state, Brown was charging Officer Wilson. People have been saying that there were over 150 feet between Wilson and Brown. That is a flat out lie. The testifying officer in the transcripts stated Browm was located 153 feet from the vehicle. They used Officer Wilson's cruiser as a reference point for measurements. Wilson got out of the cruiser and pursued Brown. And how I came up with my questimate of about thirty feet is Brown being hit 6 times. You'd have to be a pretty good shot to hit somebody 6 times with a pistol at 150 feet without it being a stressful situation. Let alone it being a stressful situation. Plus hitting a moving target. The grouping of the wounds.  Wilson's finger was probably too far in on the trigger too, pulling the rounds too the right side of Brown. I haven't come across any measurements from where the casings were compared to where Brown was laying. It would be hard to judge that distance too because of the way brass bounces around after it's ejected.

There has also been many instances where police officers have been attacked and killed by unarmed individuals in situations just like this one.  I don't believe the Grand Jury was fixed. I don't believe they would have had an indictment if more people of color would have been on the Jury.

Most of the inconsistencies with testimonies have been proven false by witness's who lied about things like Mike Brown Being shot in the back. Lying about his hands being up and giving up. The wounds were on the wrong side of his arms for him to be surrendering.

I'm not condoning what happened to Mike Brown. It is always a tragedy when someone loses their life in the fashion.

I've worked in communities and had to travel through areas similar to Ferguson. I've been in predominately black neighborhoods and seen first hand what goes on in these urban cesspools. From the statistics being thrown out there over the past few days 93% of black deaths are cause by other blacks, not the police. Even where Tamir Rice was killed is a rough neighborhood. Gangs, drugs, murders, and other violent crimes are committed on a daily basis and is considered normal. It is a crying shame with what happen to that young boy.

Where one of the major problem lies is with the deterioration of the family structure. The criminality in these neighborhoods. Having rappers and the people in these neighborhoods glorifying the ills of urban life.  Most of these people are under educated, can barely read and write. High unemployment rates. Many are already felons before they finish puberty. They have no hope of getting out of their situation. It's a tragedy all the way around.

These people are going to have to police themselves and take back their neighborhood from these thugs. It makes it hard after hearing the ma they found shot and burnt up in a car allegedly testified in the Ferguson case to the Grand Jury. The snitches end up in ditches mentality has to go. I remember growing up and seeing very decent predominately black neighborhoods. Black owned businesses and stores. What the fuck happened? These same neighborhoods now are gone. One in particular I'm thinking about they have almost completely tore down. It's a crying shame.

Eric Garner's case can't be compared to Brown's case, or Tamir rice's case. The only comparison that can be made is that they all died during encounters with the police. I don't think any of these three cases have anything to do with race. What I do think is a major problem are the policies and procedures of many police departments. From watching the videos of Garner being arrested, to me, it looked like a pretty typical take down for someone who is resisting. Now it's being reported a black female officer was calling the shots on this one. From the sounds of it, Mr. Gardner had some pretty serious health problems to begin with. Almost sounded like he was a ticking time bomb in a way. I think the cops should have spent more time trying to deescalate the situation. He was agitated and felt like he was being harassed. I've been in his shoes with a couple encounters with law enforcement. I've been taken down just like Mr. Garner by said law enforcement.

Why is it selling out getting an education, getting a job and having a career? Why are people like Condi Rice and Colin Powell considered Uncle Tom's or house niggers? I know there are still a lot of racial disparities. But, it doesn't help having the mentality about people of your own race being house niggers that have made it. There are many affluent black people who are put into this class. It's pure ignorance if you ask me. There's plenty of ignorant white trash motherfuckers out there too.

Much of the problem lies within these communities. The lack of family structure, the lack of adequate role models. Glorifying gang activity and drug dealing. The way women are portrayed and treated. The lack of respect for authority of any kind. I've seen and heard black police officers being called sell outs, house niggers, race traitors, and a whole gambit of other derogatory remarks. Same thing with conservative african americans. Justice Thomas, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Michael Steele. Allen West, just to name a few. These are the people black communities should aspire to. Not the Snoop Dog's or 50 cents of the world. It's a bunch of bullshit all the way around.

The Justice system is fucked up too. Prosecutors and defense lawyers making deals to which cases they are going to give each other. Over zealous prosecutors just looking to close cases and making it look like they are making a difference. Not caring whether or not justice is truly served. The cops are the same way. Judge Andrew Napalotano isn't lying when he stated police departments and police know exactly how much abuse and excessive force they know they can get away with. There are plenty of abuses across the entire justice system. Cleveland Police Department is a prime example right now. Thanks to technology we are hiring more and more people have been wrongly convicted and have spent decades in prisons. The system does whatever it can to cover up it's mistakes as well.

Police often just want to close cases too, they arrest people, gather evidence, and want it closed. A lot of that comes from lack of time, how much crime that is going on, not having enough man power. Much of it is discriminatory as well. And not necessarily based on race either. If cases are open too long the community starts to bitch. Elected officials loose their jobs if they don't get enough closed cases and/or convictions.

I don't know what the fucking answer is. It's a very complicated subject all the way around. I could go on and on about this shit. Almost could write a book.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Just read an article that Kmart and Sears are going to close 75 stores before Christmas and 5,300 jobs are going to be lost. I see Obama's economic recovery isn't doing so good. I've recently read a few other articles where places were closing and more jobs are lost too.

I can hardly wait for 2016 to get here to get this joker out of office. Obama and his administration have been very detrimental to this country and the Constitution. I'm sick and tired of all of the political correctness and their socialist agenda.

When I see most liberals spewing their vitriol on social media I truly believe they have some serious mental issues. It goes along with all the insane shit going on in Ferguson and St. Louis. Now information is being leaked that seem to confirm the Officers story.

Which brings something to mind about the media and authority figures like the one Senator spewing a bunch of bullshit even before the facts came out. Just a bunch of speculation and in some instance flat out lies being told or fabricated.

Video of Mike Brown coming out showing him rough up the store clerk at the store he allegedly robbed. It's pretty clear to me if people would quit breaking the law they'd quit getting shot by the Police.

I'm sure there are incidence where police are over zealous and fabricate reasons to pull people over or harass them. I have problems like that myself dealing with law enforcement where they have abused their power and/or were just being all out pricks just because they carry a badge and have some authority. Over all though my experiences with law enforcement have been alright.

I can understand where they are coming from too. They put up with a lot of assholes throughout their days working. Much of the time it's dealing with a bunch of douchebags they shouldn't really be dealing with because these people are drunk or high fighting with their spouses. Or, they are just plain ignorant and don't respect the law or law enforcement.

As soon as these people put on their uniforms and badges they become moving targets. Often gangs and riff faff try to kill cops for initiations or just because they are a cop. I know I couldn't be a cop. I don't have the patience or discipline to put up with what most law enforcement officers have to deal with on a day to day basis.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


This administration has to be the worst one I have ever seen. The recent Ebola scare seems to be the latest crisis Obama has failed to handle. I've said all along he was never qualified to be president. The past six years have been a circle jerk to be polite.

Appointing this Klain character as the ebola czar only shows Obama's inability to lead from the front again. This administration also seems to keep blaming the republicans for blocking whatever. Even though the Senate is democratically controlled and has been able to even pass a budget. We don't have a Surgeon General because Obama seems to be only able to try to appoint political hacks.

Why isn't HHS or NIH isn't in charge of the Ebola problem? Appointing another czar to something that is a problem is only going to add more bureaucracy and red tape. Appointing Klain only looks like a PR move to make it look like Obama is doing something.

Heads need to roll over this Benghazi fiasco as well. This crisis began well before it should have been a problem. Obama was preaching how safe it was and how calm the region was after Ghadaffi was taken out. Pulling out the security team that was already there and refusing to increase security months prior to. Mainly I believe because we were in the middle of another election cycle and they wanted to make it look like peaches and cream over there.

After Ghadaffi was taken out the region became more unstable because of the different tribes trying to gain control from the void left in Ghadaffi's absence. Car bombings and the attacks were on the rise. And from what I can tell from the media reports Ambassador  Stevens was targeted in the hotel he was set up in and had been moved to the compound some what in the middle of them preparing the location while they were still upgrading added security measures.

I hope Gowdy and the Benghazi committee can get to the bottom of all this crap surrounding Benghazi. I know something is up because of the way people are acting, being reluctant to testify, or people being unavailable. There is definitely something being covered up.

It looks like to me this administration were trying to cover their ass and more worried about the elections instead of being concerned about the safety of our personnel in Benghazi. Instead of being transparent and telling the truth that the region was more unstable and time was needed until thing could calm down and a stable government could have been in place.

I know I would have much rather heard the President come out and say security had to be upgraded to protect these people. Or, closing the embassy for awhile and getting them out there. Instead of flat out lying making it sound like Libya was a vacation resort after Ghadaffi was killed.

And on the Ebola shit. There do need to be a travel ban, at least restriction for traveling from the nations where there is an epidemic. Can we trust proper screening to take place? Ar people going to lie? Can we relying on other countries to be diligent and screen travelers properly? I doubt it.

I saw an interview with one of the guys from Samaritans Purse state he traveled through Belgium and wasn't screened after coming from west Africa. He wasn't initially for a travel ban but, he is more on board with one now because of his experiences.

The World Health Organization, the CDC, NIH, and our government has dropped the ball big time on this. They have all had plenty of time to be proactive on this because warnings of this type of thing getting started has been talked about for years. I have heard from many sources, including the ones I've mentioned that it wasn't if, but when an epidemic and pandemic would happen. It makes sense it could be easy for a pandemic could happen. Because the world is getting smaller. One can travel around the world in hours instead of weeks or months.

All it would take is to have one person on a plane contaminating it and/or infecting others on the plane. Potentially infecting a couple of hundred people. Each one of them infecting whomever they com in contact with. Out of those a hundred on so people each one could potentially infected a few dozen people. Friends, relatives, co-workers, or people they come in contact with stopping to get a bite to eat. Is Ebola going to be the pandemic that will make history? It's a scary thought.

One big thing I have a problem with is our government is reactionary on way too many levels when they should be proactive and prevent shit or, at least make an effort. Too much partisan politics bullshit going on.  We can never seem to learn from lessons learned. I'm also sick and tired of hearing the same old ideas coming out of our politicians. Most of what they want try or keep preaching about has been done, or have tried. It doesn't fucking work. Their excuse seems to be be it will work because it wasn't done right before. Isn't the definition of insanity  trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results only to get the same results?

And the people that complain the government isn't working, or it's broke. It's not, even though we haven't had much happen that should have. Like the budget not being passed, the sequester, and other shit that is stalled. The government is working as it was designed to do. Keeping one party or individual running completely a muck and having true tyranny or whatever. There is still enough balance of power that things are clogged up and/or stagnant. Which can be a good thing. We could end up with more regulations or legislation that really would destroy our civil liberties and rights. So, in some ways I prefer having things in a gridlock so us pee ons aren't trampled on more than we already are.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


The more I dig around and the more information I come across about Benghazi the more I am inclined to believe something is getting covered up and/or people are trying to cover their asses. Most of this stuff goes back to  when Ghadhafi was taken out.

When Obama made his big speech about Ghadhafi being killed he was adamant about Libya being a much safer place and made it sound like a vacation resort. On the contrary, from what main stream media and alternative sources were reporting about the region becoming more unstable due in part from Ghadhafi taking a dirt nap.

There we plenty of reports where terrorist type attacks were on the uprise. Many of our. Allies pulled their diplomats out of Libya as well because of how unstable the region had become. For whatever reasons Ambassador Stevens decided to stay to help get things in order. I have found out the he was supposed to have been fluent in Arabic and felt it important to work with the Libyan government until they became stable. I can see there could have been many advantages getting a fresh start  with a new government and showing them we would support and help them instead of turning tail.

I pulled a lot of the testimonies up on YouTube and watched them on CSPAN when I could about Benghazi. There is a lot of cya going from my impression of the situation. Hillary Clinton mostly skirted the questions trying to put the focus on policies and other stuff they were working on. She wouldn't explain anything about why the security people were really pulled out of there. She tried to blame it on budget constraints, communication problems, or she didn't know anything about requests for more security.

It seemed too much of a coincidence the dirt cake out about Petraeus when it did too. Who really give a shit whether or not he was banging the woman who wrote his autobiography, or whatever book she was, or did write about him.  I think that came out just to shut him up, because I believe he could have blown the lid clean off the entire Benghazi debacle.

I also believe the YouTube video that was supposed to spark off this so called protest was pure unadulterated bullshit. The attack occurring on September 11. The way this administration scrambled with conflicting stories. They knew what was coming and trying to cover their own ass because they didn't want to admit their policy wasn't what they claimed it was. I know I would have rather heard the truth on the front end. Saying since Ghadhafi's death things have heated up and we may need to boost security for our ambassador in Libya temporarily.

They even tried passing the problem off on the host country saying it's their responsibility for providing security. From what I've found out, the host country works in conjunction with the other countries providing security.  I don't think it would have caused a problem if we would have beefed up security.  There are still many unanswered questions that we may never find the true answers to. Because there could be legal ramifications for some very powerful people, like Hillary Clinton, Obama, and others that have been involved.  There has been a reluctance to have any further investigations which tells me other could well be implicated with wrong doing.

From the information I've read in the report on Benghazi there really wasn't any reason security couldn't have been provided and expanded if the state department and the administration would have acted timely about the the communications had been handled properly. Instead the security was pulled instead of left there and reinforced. Why couldn't they fall on the side of caution and beef up security?

I think it was mainly done to cover Obama's ass because he was wanting to look like a hero and such a great peace maker. By telling the American people how peaceful and wonderful it was over there. Stating the policies were working almost without a hitch and making great strides in whatever.  Some of it could have been said and done because we are so tired of being at war. Having troops deployed and fighting in different Arab countries. The administration may have been worried about us not having the stomach to possibly being in another country by deploying more security forces.

Whatever the reasons were it back fired withe some very terrible consequences losing four Americans the way we did. This entire situation stinks from the top down like a dead fish. We need to put pressure on the people who represent us to get to the truth about Benghazi. At least to find closure for the families involved. And to make sure operating procedures are more fluent to protect our personnel in hot zones.  Many of our standards and policies have cost us because we have morals and ethics our enemies know as well. They also know we won't compromise those morals and ethics and use them to their advantage. In some ways they are our weaknesses.

With the terrorist attacks becoming more of the norm instead of conventional warfare. We may need to use more guerrilla type tactics and methods.  With the globalization of everything. I don't really see  having a conventional war with anyone like we have in previous wars. With everything intertwined the way it is. A conventional war or just about any war would financially devastate many countries instead of one or two. Which one one of the main reasons globalization started in the 1950's to help curb anyone like Hitler like to come to power again.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wedding Insurance?

Really? What the fuck is wrong with this picture that we are encouraged to get wedding insurance? I can understand that to a certain point depending on how long it takes to plan your wedding paying deposits on wedding items or services that may not be around in a year or two. Somebody might die or go out of business before your wedding and you might have to find a new florist or venue to be married at.

What caught my ear for one of the reasons to get wedding insurance is in case somebody who comes to your wedding and reception decides to drink and drive.

What the fuck!

It's the same old fucking bullshit that people aren't responsible or accountable for their own actions. Why does it have to be the responsibility of the bride and groom, or the venues babysitting guests who decide to get inebriated, that may drive, and God forbid go out and kill someone?

Its the same for bars or other establishments who sell alcohol as well. Granted it should be our responsibility at some point where one of our friends has become completely retarded from drinking too much to cut them off. Encourage them to get help if they do have a problem with substance abuse. Eventually, what it comes down to, is their choice to drink or not to drink if they have a problem holding their liquor.

Even though it is considered a disease they should seek the professional help and make the conscience decision to stop by whatever means possible before they become a threat to society and put people in harms way because of their selfish decisions. It still comes down to the choices these people make.

We can't really control people, we can only control what we do and how we react to things. So, if people decide to get intoxicated to the point they shouldn't be operating a motor vehicle and kill someone. It should be their sole responsibility to face the consequences of their actions. The bride and groom didn't force them to drink, neither did the venue the bride and groom rented. That should fall solely on the individual that made the poor decision to drink and drive. Is it going to be the responsibility of car manufacturers next? Is it their fault the didn't put breathalysers in the cars when they built them? Using them as a fail safe to blow into breathalysers and debilitate the vehicle from starting if alcohol is detected?

I don't buy the diminished faculties argument  either when people drink and drive and go out and kill people. They didn't have diminished faculties when they took the first drink. If this kind of behavior is repetitive the consequences should be harsher. Which, goes back to their choices and ignoring or denying the issues and problems they have. 

We've all heard the stories of people having DUI's in the double digits and they are still out drinking and driving. Not having a license and driving under suspension. If they can't handle living in society and can't stop drinking for whatever reason. They need to be locked up somewhere out of harms way until they can be rehabilitated.

It's ridiculous.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Banning Bossy

I just don't get the mentality of banning words because of the uncomfortable connotations that become attached to words like bossy.

If being called bossy is derogatory you should own it if your personality or goals in life are to hold a leadership position. If your self esteem is that low, or that sensitive you better suck it up buttercup, because the world is a tough place to be in.

Somewhere along the line somebody failed you by not teaching you the necessary survival skills to cope with being called bossy. If it offends you, you're probably not in a position to be called bossy. Because you probably don't have the grit to be a leader any how.

That's a drop in the bucket compared to a lot of the rhetoric, vitriol, and hatred one will have to put up with during a lifetime. And the people that spew this shit tend to have miserable lives and are miserable and seem to feed on making everyone else miserable.

Would you rather have young girls called cunts, bitches, whores, sluts, cum dumpsters, or a lengthy list of other derogatory remarks. If you can't handle being called bossy, how the fuck are you going to handle being called anything else? Or, put up with a lot of other bullshit life throws in your direction? If anything ban these words. Even thought I don't believe in banning any words. If words or subjects make people uncomfortable they need to be discussed and dealt with accordingly. It interferes with free speech whether or not it's racist, sexist, homophobic, or considered taboo depending on your beliefs. Wouldn't it be better to discuss these issues and educate people how truly ignorant this stuff is? I don't really give a shit what people say. Unless it insights a riot or whatever would be deemed not to fit under the first amendment,which I do believe is a very broad parameter. Along with that also goes taking the responsibility and accountability that goes along with spouting off whatever comes out of your pie hole.

It's shit like banning bossy and other words that continues to come out of left to turn women into victims so they can wallow in self pity and tout they are a survivor of something. It gives the left something to champion because of the war on women that they created and continue to wage. By going out of their way to find issues that are sexist, racist, class warfare, and a host of other unadulterated bullshit. Continually trying to fracture the entire fabric of our country. If you don't agree with the left and they can't back up their facts. The first thing they resort to is character assassination, name calling, and other hateful things wishing people would die, get raped, or murdered and/or aborted.

Which has confirmed a pretty solid belief and keeping in mind the people who are usually doing most of the complaining about something. Are usually the worst offenders of what they are complaining about. We all know those assholes who bitch about everything thing and their life is more fucked up than most others. If you don't know anyone like that, you're the miserable fuck I' talking about.

Which in turn gives them a false sense of doing something of importance and fighting for whatever douchbaggery hair brain scheme some liberal nut finds offensive and oppresses whatever group of people it is. Pick one! Gays, blacks, women, transgender, whom ever. Letting themselves to believe they are some sort of martyr for the good of all.

There are a great number of social programs and entitlements that have hurt more than they have helped or, haven,t worked at all. This is very racist, sexist, or homophobic depending on what subject you are discussing. Just like the Jim Crowe laws, gun control, forming the KKK. All that shit was brought on by democrats. I remember seeing what they used to call push cards. Many of them had a whit man on one side saying the Democratic party was for the white man. The other half of the card had a stereotypical caricature of a black man saying the Republican party was for blacks.

Even the democratically controlled KKK distributed push cards with all of the republicans names and photos so they could be harassed or killed, white or black.

These programs and entitlements were designed to keep people stuck in poverty because the left believe certain types of people are too ignorant and/or are inferior. And these people need told how to live. Just visit any inner city where these programs and entitlements are supposed to be helping people. South side of Chicago, LA, East Cleveland, New York city. Shitty schools, gang violence, living in deplorable conditions. It's ridiculous people have to live that way in the United States in this day and age.