Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ferguson and all this other horse shit.

I've been reading through the Ferguson Grand Jury Transcripts and I can say from reading these transcripts Mike Brown was only victim to his own ignorant choices he made that day. Dorian Johnson's testimony was not consistent during his testimony it changed quite a bit, and changed after he was asked to clarify things. Or he would have to modify his answers when he contradicted himself.

The Obama administration, mainstream media, politicians, and the usual race baiting poverty pimps of the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson hijacked the entire Ferguson issue and spread misinformation. Even thought the facts have come out and easy to find out online they still get out there and spew their vitriol about this situation. Making it sound like law enforcement has called open season on people of color.

Fucking journalism is in the fucking toilet. The media runs with whatever fucking info they get their hands on. Fail to fact check. Too much opinion is being interjected from the so called journalists. They need to get their shit together, do their homework, quit sensationalizing misinformation, spinning which ever way to incite whatever emotions they want to draw from. They target a certain demographic because people tend to be sheep and believe what they want to believe. Because what they emotionally feel especially surrounding perceived injustices like the ones I'm writing about. Whatever is morally or ethically right may not necessarily be legal or illegal. All three of these incidences fall into that category.

All this rioting in Ferguson has only hurt the entire community. The businesses that were destroyed hurt the entire community Many of these businesses were owned by people of color. Provided jobs and services to the communities. Just a bunch of savages. All these other protests and mayhem isn't really justified either because they were fueled by misinformation and all out lies. Fucking ignorant sheep being taken to slaughter by a few poverty pimps like Sharpton and Jackson.

Mike Brown is not innocent. He struggled with Officer Wilson at and inside of the car apparently for Officer Wilson's weapon. A bullethole on the inside of the drivers door, Brown's DNA on the weapon and on the cruiser. Gunshot residue on his hand that showed his hand was close enough to the weapon. Mike Brown took the situation to an entirely new level. There is no way a police officer is going to, or  are trained to just let anyone walk away from that. Mike Brown was a product of his environment. Came from a broken, living with his grandmother. He was basically a thug. Robbed a convenience store that day. If he would have been compliant he would be alive today.

I'm no expert but, I know enough about firearms and have had enough training and experience shooting. That I could pretty much state accurately Brown was within 30 to 50 feet of officer Wilson. From what I could gather by the angle of the entry wounds, and from the information in the transcripts state, Brown was charging Officer Wilson. People have been saying that there were over 150 feet between Wilson and Brown. That is a flat out lie. The testifying officer in the transcripts stated Browm was located 153 feet from the vehicle. They used Officer Wilson's cruiser as a reference point for measurements. Wilson got out of the cruiser and pursued Brown. And how I came up with my questimate of about thirty feet is Brown being hit 6 times. You'd have to be a pretty good shot to hit somebody 6 times with a pistol at 150 feet without it being a stressful situation. Let alone it being a stressful situation. Plus hitting a moving target. The grouping of the wounds.  Wilson's finger was probably too far in on the trigger too, pulling the rounds too the right side of Brown. I haven't come across any measurements from where the casings were compared to where Brown was laying. It would be hard to judge that distance too because of the way brass bounces around after it's ejected.

There has also been many instances where police officers have been attacked and killed by unarmed individuals in situations just like this one.  I don't believe the Grand Jury was fixed. I don't believe they would have had an indictment if more people of color would have been on the Jury.

Most of the inconsistencies with testimonies have been proven false by witness's who lied about things like Mike Brown Being shot in the back. Lying about his hands being up and giving up. The wounds were on the wrong side of his arms for him to be surrendering.

I'm not condoning what happened to Mike Brown. It is always a tragedy when someone loses their life in the fashion.

I've worked in communities and had to travel through areas similar to Ferguson. I've been in predominately black neighborhoods and seen first hand what goes on in these urban cesspools. From the statistics being thrown out there over the past few days 93% of black deaths are cause by other blacks, not the police. Even where Tamir Rice was killed is a rough neighborhood. Gangs, drugs, murders, and other violent crimes are committed on a daily basis and is considered normal. It is a crying shame with what happen to that young boy.

Where one of the major problem lies is with the deterioration of the family structure. The criminality in these neighborhoods. Having rappers and the people in these neighborhoods glorifying the ills of urban life.  Most of these people are under educated, can barely read and write. High unemployment rates. Many are already felons before they finish puberty. They have no hope of getting out of their situation. It's a tragedy all the way around.

These people are going to have to police themselves and take back their neighborhood from these thugs. It makes it hard after hearing the ma they found shot and burnt up in a car allegedly testified in the Ferguson case to the Grand Jury. The snitches end up in ditches mentality has to go. I remember growing up and seeing very decent predominately black neighborhoods. Black owned businesses and stores. What the fuck happened? These same neighborhoods now are gone. One in particular I'm thinking about they have almost completely tore down. It's a crying shame.

Eric Garner's case can't be compared to Brown's case, or Tamir rice's case. The only comparison that can be made is that they all died during encounters with the police. I don't think any of these three cases have anything to do with race. What I do think is a major problem are the policies and procedures of many police departments. From watching the videos of Garner being arrested, to me, it looked like a pretty typical take down for someone who is resisting. Now it's being reported a black female officer was calling the shots on this one. From the sounds of it, Mr. Gardner had some pretty serious health problems to begin with. Almost sounded like he was a ticking time bomb in a way. I think the cops should have spent more time trying to deescalate the situation. He was agitated and felt like he was being harassed. I've been in his shoes with a couple encounters with law enforcement. I've been taken down just like Mr. Garner by said law enforcement.

Why is it selling out getting an education, getting a job and having a career? Why are people like Condi Rice and Colin Powell considered Uncle Tom's or house niggers? I know there are still a lot of racial disparities. But, it doesn't help having the mentality about people of your own race being house niggers that have made it. There are many affluent black people who are put into this class. It's pure ignorance if you ask me. There's plenty of ignorant white trash motherfuckers out there too.

Much of the problem lies within these communities. The lack of family structure, the lack of adequate role models. Glorifying gang activity and drug dealing. The way women are portrayed and treated. The lack of respect for authority of any kind. I've seen and heard black police officers being called sell outs, house niggers, race traitors, and a whole gambit of other derogatory remarks. Same thing with conservative african americans. Justice Thomas, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Michael Steele. Allen West, just to name a few. These are the people black communities should aspire to. Not the Snoop Dog's or 50 cents of the world. It's a bunch of bullshit all the way around.

The Justice system is fucked up too. Prosecutors and defense lawyers making deals to which cases they are going to give each other. Over zealous prosecutors just looking to close cases and making it look like they are making a difference. Not caring whether or not justice is truly served. The cops are the same way. Judge Andrew Napalotano isn't lying when he stated police departments and police know exactly how much abuse and excessive force they know they can get away with. There are plenty of abuses across the entire justice system. Cleveland Police Department is a prime example right now. Thanks to technology we are hiring more and more people have been wrongly convicted and have spent decades in prisons. The system does whatever it can to cover up it's mistakes as well.

Police often just want to close cases too, they arrest people, gather evidence, and want it closed. A lot of that comes from lack of time, how much crime that is going on, not having enough man power. Much of it is discriminatory as well. And not necessarily based on race either. If cases are open too long the community starts to bitch. Elected officials loose their jobs if they don't get enough closed cases and/or convictions.

I don't know what the fucking answer is. It's a very complicated subject all the way around. I could go on and on about this shit. Almost could write a book.

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