Monday, December 8, 2014

Not Sure

I'm not sure what to blog about today. There is so much bullshit going on between the government and media. Neither one seem to want to get the truth out there. Everybody seems to be spinning the information or, should I say misinformation?

Then you have assholes out there like Al Sharpton who is nothing but a race baiting poverty pimp. He has to keep the racial divides alive because if he didn't he would be out of a job. With the latest events in Ferguson, New York, and Cleveland, this isn't the first time he has incited a bunch of shit.

Jesse Jackson isn't any better. Farrakhan is a complete loon. The liberal mindset makes absolutely no sense to me. All they seem to have to say is inflammatory. Calling everyone racist, sexist, or misogynistic if someone disagrees with what they have to say.

They claim to be all about civil rights but, contradict everything they say they stand for by wanting to shut everyone down that disagrees with them. Free Speech applies if you agree with them and heaven forbid you contest their ideology. It then becomes hate speech. You are only prochoice if you believe in abortion. What about a woman's choice to decide to keep her baby.

My impressions of what a lot of these polices and programs the left clam to be to help minorities, women, or whoever are racist, sexist, misogynist, or whatever. Because these policies and programs indicate that because you are black, a woman, or minority implies there is something wrong or, imply inequality in some form or another that you need help.

I'm all for having people to have the freedom to do whatever they want, unless of course it infringes on other people's civil rights and freedoms. We do have to keep in mind public safety issues and other things to keep a healthy civilization.

A big issue of Garner dying is the tax New York implemented on cigarettes. The argument being that if Garner wasn't selling loosies because a pack of cigarettes weren't so expensive he would have been doing it to make money.  There are a slew of scenarios to go over on that situation. It was ignorant he had to die because he was getting his balls busted for selling cigs.

I am starting to think liberalism is a mental disorder. People expecting the federal government to provide all of these programs and services to people. Everybody seems to be a victim of some sort because of a bad childhood, some kind of addict, a certain race, gender, or sexual preference.

The right isn't much better on a lot of these issues screaming about morals and ethics. They seem to be all about free speech and God given inalienable rights. They turn around and bitch about how homosexuality is a sin and abomination. Bitch about same sex marriage. Who really gives a flying fuck. I think Homosexuals should have the ability to get married and be just as miserable as a lot of who are miserable that are heterosexual. I'd even be willing to take it one step farther and have everyone afforded the same rights living in a particular  household. Say for instance different family members, significant others, siblings, parents. Whoever can provide the best should be able to have these other people on their insurance, get tax breaks, or whatever rights and benefits awarded to "traditional" families. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander.

The welfare system isn't designed to help people, it's designed to entrap people so the government can control. Until that changes people are going to be stuck in the system. Many on welfare are under educated, have no skills, and are lucky if they can manage to get hired at menial work. They get discouraged because they cannot find work that covers the necessities. So they are better off staying on welfare. Many urban areas are diseased with drugs, gangs, and a fucked up mentality of entitlement driven by the liberals who keep feeding the oppression bullshit.

It's just fucked up all the way around. I can understand the frustration many of these people have just from my experience dealing with government agencies. I'm sure many play the system too by having kids out of wedlock, getting housing, food stamps, and cash for each kid. I think most wouldn't live those conditions if they had a way out. Many have felonies or backgrounds that hinder their opportunities to get anywhere.

I can't believe the bullshit with companies hiring people. with the background checks, financial checks. Requiring you to have a job before they hire you. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with liability issues.  Because companies and employers getting sued over bullshit their employees pull. I remember of a story that hit the news where some guy raped a woman while working for a cable company. I guess the one dude I worked for said. The only reason you need an employee handbook for is for the bad employees.

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