Thursday, March 27, 2014

Banning Bossy

I just don't get the mentality of banning words because of the uncomfortable connotations that become attached to words like bossy.

If being called bossy is derogatory you should own it if your personality or goals in life are to hold a leadership position. If your self esteem is that low, or that sensitive you better suck it up buttercup, because the world is a tough place to be in.

Somewhere along the line somebody failed you by not teaching you the necessary survival skills to cope with being called bossy. If it offends you, you're probably not in a position to be called bossy. Because you probably don't have the grit to be a leader any how.

That's a drop in the bucket compared to a lot of the rhetoric, vitriol, and hatred one will have to put up with during a lifetime. And the people that spew this shit tend to have miserable lives and are miserable and seem to feed on making everyone else miserable.

Would you rather have young girls called cunts, bitches, whores, sluts, cum dumpsters, or a lengthy list of other derogatory remarks. If you can't handle being called bossy, how the fuck are you going to handle being called anything else? Or, put up with a lot of other bullshit life throws in your direction? If anything ban these words. Even thought I don't believe in banning any words. If words or subjects make people uncomfortable they need to be discussed and dealt with accordingly. It interferes with free speech whether or not it's racist, sexist, homophobic, or considered taboo depending on your beliefs. Wouldn't it be better to discuss these issues and educate people how truly ignorant this stuff is? I don't really give a shit what people say. Unless it insights a riot or whatever would be deemed not to fit under the first amendment,which I do believe is a very broad parameter. Along with that also goes taking the responsibility and accountability that goes along with spouting off whatever comes out of your pie hole.

It's shit like banning bossy and other words that continues to come out of left to turn women into victims so they can wallow in self pity and tout they are a survivor of something. It gives the left something to champion because of the war on women that they created and continue to wage. By going out of their way to find issues that are sexist, racist, class warfare, and a host of other unadulterated bullshit. Continually trying to fracture the entire fabric of our country. If you don't agree with the left and they can't back up their facts. The first thing they resort to is character assassination, name calling, and other hateful things wishing people would die, get raped, or murdered and/or aborted.

Which has confirmed a pretty solid belief and keeping in mind the people who are usually doing most of the complaining about something. Are usually the worst offenders of what they are complaining about. We all know those assholes who bitch about everything thing and their life is more fucked up than most others. If you don't know anyone like that, you're the miserable fuck I' talking about.

Which in turn gives them a false sense of doing something of importance and fighting for whatever douchbaggery hair brain scheme some liberal nut finds offensive and oppresses whatever group of people it is. Pick one! Gays, blacks, women, transgender, whom ever. Letting themselves to believe they are some sort of martyr for the good of all.

There are a great number of social programs and entitlements that have hurt more than they have helped or, haven,t worked at all. This is very racist, sexist, or homophobic depending on what subject you are discussing. Just like the Jim Crowe laws, gun control, forming the KKK. All that shit was brought on by democrats. I remember seeing what they used to call push cards. Many of them had a whit man on one side saying the Democratic party was for the white man. The other half of the card had a stereotypical caricature of a black man saying the Republican party was for blacks.

Even the democratically controlled KKK distributed push cards with all of the republicans names and photos so they could be harassed or killed, white or black.

These programs and entitlements were designed to keep people stuck in poverty because the left believe certain types of people are too ignorant and/or are inferior. And these people need told how to live. Just visit any inner city where these programs and entitlements are supposed to be helping people. South side of Chicago, LA, East Cleveland, New York city. Shitty schools, gang violence, living in deplorable conditions. It's ridiculous people have to live that way in the United States in this day and age.

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