Friday, March 28, 2014

Wedding Insurance?

Really? What the fuck is wrong with this picture that we are encouraged to get wedding insurance? I can understand that to a certain point depending on how long it takes to plan your wedding paying deposits on wedding items or services that may not be around in a year or two. Somebody might die or go out of business before your wedding and you might have to find a new florist or venue to be married at.

What caught my ear for one of the reasons to get wedding insurance is in case somebody who comes to your wedding and reception decides to drink and drive.

What the fuck!

It's the same old fucking bullshit that people aren't responsible or accountable for their own actions. Why does it have to be the responsibility of the bride and groom, or the venues babysitting guests who decide to get inebriated, that may drive, and God forbid go out and kill someone?

Its the same for bars or other establishments who sell alcohol as well. Granted it should be our responsibility at some point where one of our friends has become completely retarded from drinking too much to cut them off. Encourage them to get help if they do have a problem with substance abuse. Eventually, what it comes down to, is their choice to drink or not to drink if they have a problem holding their liquor.

Even though it is considered a disease they should seek the professional help and make the conscience decision to stop by whatever means possible before they become a threat to society and put people in harms way because of their selfish decisions. It still comes down to the choices these people make.

We can't really control people, we can only control what we do and how we react to things. So, if people decide to get intoxicated to the point they shouldn't be operating a motor vehicle and kill someone. It should be their sole responsibility to face the consequences of their actions. The bride and groom didn't force them to drink, neither did the venue the bride and groom rented. That should fall solely on the individual that made the poor decision to drink and drive. Is it going to be the responsibility of car manufacturers next? Is it their fault the didn't put breathalysers in the cars when they built them? Using them as a fail safe to blow into breathalysers and debilitate the vehicle from starting if alcohol is detected?

I don't buy the diminished faculties argument  either when people drink and drive and go out and kill people. They didn't have diminished faculties when they took the first drink. If this kind of behavior is repetitive the consequences should be harsher. Which, goes back to their choices and ignoring or denying the issues and problems they have. 

We've all heard the stories of people having DUI's in the double digits and they are still out drinking and driving. Not having a license and driving under suspension. If they can't handle living in society and can't stop drinking for whatever reason. They need to be locked up somewhere out of harms way until they can be rehabilitated.

It's ridiculous.

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