Tuesday, October 21, 2014


This administration has to be the worst one I have ever seen. The recent Ebola scare seems to be the latest crisis Obama has failed to handle. I've said all along he was never qualified to be president. The past six years have been a circle jerk to be polite.

Appointing this Klain character as the ebola czar only shows Obama's inability to lead from the front again. This administration also seems to keep blaming the republicans for blocking whatever. Even though the Senate is democratically controlled and has been able to even pass a budget. We don't have a Surgeon General because Obama seems to be only able to try to appoint political hacks.

Why isn't HHS or NIH isn't in charge of the Ebola problem? Appointing another czar to something that is a problem is only going to add more bureaucracy and red tape. Appointing Klain only looks like a PR move to make it look like Obama is doing something.

Heads need to roll over this Benghazi fiasco as well. This crisis began well before it should have been a problem. Obama was preaching how safe it was and how calm the region was after Ghadaffi was taken out. Pulling out the security team that was already there and refusing to increase security months prior to. Mainly I believe because we were in the middle of another election cycle and they wanted to make it look like peaches and cream over there.

After Ghadaffi was taken out the region became more unstable because of the different tribes trying to gain control from the void left in Ghadaffi's absence. Car bombings and the attacks were on the rise. And from what I can tell from the media reports Ambassador  Stevens was targeted in the hotel he was set up in and had been moved to the compound some what in the middle of them preparing the location while they were still upgrading added security measures.

I hope Gowdy and the Benghazi committee can get to the bottom of all this crap surrounding Benghazi. I know something is up because of the way people are acting, being reluctant to testify, or people being unavailable. There is definitely something being covered up.

It looks like to me this administration were trying to cover their ass and more worried about the elections instead of being concerned about the safety of our personnel in Benghazi. Instead of being transparent and telling the truth that the region was more unstable and time was needed until thing could calm down and a stable government could have been in place.

I know I would have much rather heard the President come out and say security had to be upgraded to protect these people. Or, closing the embassy for awhile and getting them out there. Instead of flat out lying making it sound like Libya was a vacation resort after Ghadaffi was killed.

And on the Ebola shit. There do need to be a travel ban, at least restriction for traveling from the nations where there is an epidemic. Can we trust proper screening to take place? Ar people going to lie? Can we relying on other countries to be diligent and screen travelers properly? I doubt it.

I saw an interview with one of the guys from Samaritans Purse state he traveled through Belgium and wasn't screened after coming from west Africa. He wasn't initially for a travel ban but, he is more on board with one now because of his experiences.

The World Health Organization, the CDC, NIH, and our government has dropped the ball big time on this. They have all had plenty of time to be proactive on this because warnings of this type of thing getting started has been talked about for years. I have heard from many sources, including the ones I've mentioned that it wasn't if, but when an epidemic and pandemic would happen. It makes sense it could be easy for a pandemic could happen. Because the world is getting smaller. One can travel around the world in hours instead of weeks or months.

All it would take is to have one person on a plane contaminating it and/or infecting others on the plane. Potentially infecting a couple of hundred people. Each one of them infecting whomever they com in contact with. Out of those a hundred on so people each one could potentially infected a few dozen people. Friends, relatives, co-workers, or people they come in contact with stopping to get a bite to eat. Is Ebola going to be the pandemic that will make history? It's a scary thought.

One big thing I have a problem with is our government is reactionary on way too many levels when they should be proactive and prevent shit or, at least make an effort. Too much partisan politics bullshit going on.  We can never seem to learn from lessons learned. I'm also sick and tired of hearing the same old ideas coming out of our politicians. Most of what they want try or keep preaching about has been done, or have tried. It doesn't fucking work. Their excuse seems to be be it will work because it wasn't done right before. Isn't the definition of insanity  trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results only to get the same results?

And the people that complain the government isn't working, or it's broke. It's not, even though we haven't had much happen that should have. Like the budget not being passed, the sequester, and other shit that is stalled. The government is working as it was designed to do. Keeping one party or individual running completely a muck and having true tyranny or whatever. There is still enough balance of power that things are clogged up and/or stagnant. Which can be a good thing. We could end up with more regulations or legislation that really would destroy our civil liberties and rights. So, in some ways I prefer having things in a gridlock so us pee ons aren't trampled on more than we already are.

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