Saturday, April 19, 2014


The more I dig around and the more information I come across about Benghazi the more I am inclined to believe something is getting covered up and/or people are trying to cover their asses. Most of this stuff goes back to  when Ghadhafi was taken out.

When Obama made his big speech about Ghadhafi being killed he was adamant about Libya being a much safer place and made it sound like a vacation resort. On the contrary, from what main stream media and alternative sources were reporting about the region becoming more unstable due in part from Ghadhafi taking a dirt nap.

There we plenty of reports where terrorist type attacks were on the uprise. Many of our. Allies pulled their diplomats out of Libya as well because of how unstable the region had become. For whatever reasons Ambassador Stevens decided to stay to help get things in order. I have found out the he was supposed to have been fluent in Arabic and felt it important to work with the Libyan government until they became stable. I can see there could have been many advantages getting a fresh start  with a new government and showing them we would support and help them instead of turning tail.

I pulled a lot of the testimonies up on YouTube and watched them on CSPAN when I could about Benghazi. There is a lot of cya going from my impression of the situation. Hillary Clinton mostly skirted the questions trying to put the focus on policies and other stuff they were working on. She wouldn't explain anything about why the security people were really pulled out of there. She tried to blame it on budget constraints, communication problems, or she didn't know anything about requests for more security.

It seemed too much of a coincidence the dirt cake out about Petraeus when it did too. Who really give a shit whether or not he was banging the woman who wrote his autobiography, or whatever book she was, or did write about him.  I think that came out just to shut him up, because I believe he could have blown the lid clean off the entire Benghazi debacle.

I also believe the YouTube video that was supposed to spark off this so called protest was pure unadulterated bullshit. The attack occurring on September 11. The way this administration scrambled with conflicting stories. They knew what was coming and trying to cover their own ass because they didn't want to admit their policy wasn't what they claimed it was. I know I would have rather heard the truth on the front end. Saying since Ghadhafi's death things have heated up and we may need to boost security for our ambassador in Libya temporarily.

They even tried passing the problem off on the host country saying it's their responsibility for providing security. From what I've found out, the host country works in conjunction with the other countries providing security.  I don't think it would have caused a problem if we would have beefed up security.  There are still many unanswered questions that we may never find the true answers to. Because there could be legal ramifications for some very powerful people, like Hillary Clinton, Obama, and others that have been involved.  There has been a reluctance to have any further investigations which tells me other could well be implicated with wrong doing.

From the information I've read in the report on Benghazi there really wasn't any reason security couldn't have been provided and expanded if the state department and the administration would have acted timely about the the communications had been handled properly. Instead the security was pulled instead of left there and reinforced. Why couldn't they fall on the side of caution and beef up security?

I think it was mainly done to cover Obama's ass because he was wanting to look like a hero and such a great peace maker. By telling the American people how peaceful and wonderful it was over there. Stating the policies were working almost without a hitch and making great strides in whatever.  Some of it could have been said and done because we are so tired of being at war. Having troops deployed and fighting in different Arab countries. The administration may have been worried about us not having the stomach to possibly being in another country by deploying more security forces.

Whatever the reasons were it back fired withe some very terrible consequences losing four Americans the way we did. This entire situation stinks from the top down like a dead fish. We need to put pressure on the people who represent us to get to the truth about Benghazi. At least to find closure for the families involved. And to make sure operating procedures are more fluent to protect our personnel in hot zones.  Many of our standards and policies have cost us because we have morals and ethics our enemies know as well. They also know we won't compromise those morals and ethics and use them to their advantage. In some ways they are our weaknesses.

With the terrorist attacks becoming more of the norm instead of conventional warfare. We may need to use more guerrilla type tactics and methods.  With the globalization of everything. I don't really see  having a conventional war with anyone like we have in previous wars. With everything intertwined the way it is. A conventional war or just about any war would financially devastate many countries instead of one or two. Which one one of the main reasons globalization started in the 1950's to help curb anyone like Hitler like to come to power again.